Monday, 25 June 2012

RMIT Mace - Australian survey 1854-2012.

Australiana magazine has recently published, over two issues, a comprehensive survey by Christine Erratt  - Ceremonial maces of Australian universities. The survey chronologically covers each mace beginning in 1854 with the University of Sydney and providing details of the yet to be completed Charles Darwin University. RMIT alumni dominate the list of designers with Stuart Devlin ( Melbourne University and La Trobe University) Helmut Luekenhausen (Swinburne University) Ray Stebbins (Victoria University) and Ian Wong (RMIT University) all receiving commissions.   

RMIT University ceremonial mace designed by industrial designer Ian Wong

Ceremonial maces of Australian universities article in Australiana magazine by Christine Erratt

Ceremonial maces designed by RMIT alumni Ian Wong, Ray Stebbins and Helmut Luekenhausen shown in article in Australiana magazine.

Melbourne University mace designed by RMIT alumnus Stuart Devlin AO. 1966

LaTrobe University mace designed by Stuart Devlin. 1969