Saturday, 5 October 2013

Designed in China - Beach cleaning robot

Beaches as clean as in paradise! A beach is always a particularly popular place that provides beautiful scenery. There are many beautiful beaches in China, such as Qingdao Bathing Beach, Sanya and Beihai Beach. The beauty of our beaches are impacted by current levels of rubbish left by travellers on the beach, especially during the holidays. Through design research an innovative machine to clean beaches in China is proposed. The concept is called GUARDIAN which is a product service system that can clean up the beach automatically. The innovation point of this design is using bionics to complete the complicated motion of picking rubbish up and move on the beach. Designed in China

Designed in China the Guardian beach cleaning robot by Master of Industrial Design student Li Yang - Jesse.
Southeast University-Monash University Joint Graduate School (Suzhou).

The Master of Industrial Design is a two year Double Masters program offered at the  Southeast University-Monash University Joint Graduate School (Suzhou). The project is part of MDC5100 offered by Monash University Art Design and Architecture - MADA.

Students interested in the Master of Industrial Design (Double Masters) delivered in Suzhou should contact
