Saturday 30 November 2013

Kouhei Kawakami - MADA Industrial Design

Kouhei Kawakami
2025 Socialized Car Interior

Kouhei Kawakami - MADA Industrial Design

This project explores the possibilities of bringing back the emotional connection between users and their vehicles through a non-physical ownership system that integrates into the world and youth of 2025. This interior aims to create a flexile and customizable space for generation Z youth whilst working in a car sharing system for students in Melbourne 2025.

2025 Socialized Car Interior concpet designed by Kouhei Kawakami

Registered users of this socialized car-sharing system Log in and book a vehicle when needed. The flexible interior can be personalised to suit each user’s needs and desires online much like a social networking page, and will upload when they log on to a vehicle. Users are encouraged to share a ride with peers, as the ride fair is split and the vehicle can remember and identify the user’s ‘friends’ and common destinations based on usage patterns.

Andrew Godin - MADA Industrial Design

Andrew Godin
Kamodo - Modular Lightweight Fishing Kayak

Andrew Godin - Monash University industrial design

Kamodo is performance product for the avid kayak fisherman. Through prototyping and ergonomic development this kayak has been designed from the ground up with fishing in mind. Kamodo utilizes modern materials, technology and innovative features to deliver a new experience to the sport of kayak fishing. A key feature of Kamodo is it's modular equipment customisation which utilizes lightweight accessories that attach to the 'Octagon' fastener; a flush and universal fixing point for all equipment on-board. The kayak is constructed from a Carbon/Fibreglass lay-up which is almost half the weight of existing plastic rotomolded alternatives. Combined with lightweight 3D printed nylon accessories and modular disassembly, Kamodo gets you on the water faster, with less effort and with a lot more fun.

Andrew Godin has been awarded "Best in Show" and "Peoples Choice" in Industrial Design at the 2013 MADA NOW exhibition.

MADA NOW 2013 Monash University

Kamodo kayak concept designed by Andrew Godin - Monash University industrial design

Kamodo kayak concept designed by Andrew Godin - Monash University industrial design

Kamodo kayak concept designed by Andrew Godin - Monash University industrial design

Kamodo kayak concept designed by Andrew Godin - Monash University industrial design

Kamodo kayak concept designed by Andrew Godin - Monash University industrial design

Kamodo kayak concept designed by Andrew Godin - Monash University industrial design

Kamodo kayak concept designed by Andrew Godin - Monash University industrial design

Kamodo kayak concept designed by Andrew Godin - Monash University industrial design

Kamodo kayak concept designed by Andrew Godin - Monash University industrial design

Kamodo kayak concept designed by Andrew Godin - Monash University industrial design

Thursday 28 November 2013

Wednesday 27 November 2013

ITIDLab - Microsoft Research Asia (MRSA)

Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA) announced recently that the ITIDLab has been awarded funding for the project "Intelligent Sustainable Navigation Services (ISUNS): To Enhance Eco-Efficiency for Urban Transportation by Adopting Clouds and Pervasive Computing Technologies"

ITIDLab - Microsoft Research Asia (MRSA)

The research lead by Dr Stephen Jia Wang (Director, ITIDLab, Monash University) and Prof. Ying-Qing Xu (Co-Director, ITIDLab, Tsinghua University) will begin in 2014.

The ITIDLab proposal is one of only nine to have been selected for funding in 2013. Sixty submissions were received in the Asian region from more than thirty colleges and universities.

The International Tangible Interaction Design Lab (ITIDLab) is a partnership between Monash University, Tsinghua University (China) and Tokyo Zokei University (Japan) initiated in 2010. The main focus of this international-scaled collaboration is to explore design-based applications and investigate how new technologies will inform and contribute to design practice, research and education in each country.

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Melbourne NOW - Bionic Eye Monash University

The bionic eye project by Monash Vision Group is featured in Melbourne Design as part of Melbourne NOW at the NGV November 22 to March 23rd 2014.

The Bionic Eye project will restore sight by transmitting wireless signals directly to an implant in the brain.

Monash Vision Group (MVG) brings together engineering, computer scientists and medical researchers from Monash University, Alfred Health and industry partners Grey Innovation and MiniFAB, with all partners dedicated to developing and manufacturing a direct to brain bionic eye ready for first patient tests by 2014.

bionic eye

The above body-worn headgear is one of the early concepts that is being developed for the external components. A digital camera embedded in the left hand arm will capture images; and as your head turns, the headgear turns with you. Cutting edge digital processors will modify the images captured by the camera and a wireless transmitter will then present the captured visual to a chip that has been implanted at the back of the brain. The chip will then directly stimulate the visual cortex of the brain with electrical signals using an array of micro-sized electrodes. The brain will learn to interpret these signals as sight.

Bionic Eye - Melbourne NOW

Melbourne NOW - Bionic Eye

Monash University Bionic Eye at Melbourne NOW.

The industrial design team lead by Professor Mark Armstrong are focused on usability and adjustability to ensure the externally worn technology is comfortable, light and extremely reliable.

The design team at MADA includes Jessica Cassar and Kieran John, both talented recent graduates. The design process at MADA has been very collaborative with a broad range of specialists interacting with the industrial designers. The device also includes a vision processor which can be hand held or stored in the pocket. This device provides power to the system as well as houses controls that modify brightness and various visual mapping options.

The camera is mounted within the compact side arm along with sophisticated electronics. The final design should be easy to use and operate and have an aesthetic that is more in line with a contemporary consumer product rather than a medical device.

The Bionic Eye in development at Monash Vision Group has significant potential to improve the quality of life for future recipients.

Melbourne NOW design exhibition at NGV.

Melbourne NOW - Design Wall

Jack Magree and David Flynn - Melbourne Design Wall NGV

Melbourne NOW - Melbourne Design Wall

Melbourne NOW - Melbourne Design Wall

Melbourne NOW - Melbourne Design Wall

Monday 25 November 2013

Melbourne NOW - Bolwell Edge

The first of the Melbourne NOW Bolwell Edge Design Residency program began on the weekend featuring Jethro Pugh and Sam Nikolsky from Maker Machine.

The Bolwell EDGE Caravan Studio plays host to Melbourne designers as a design studio each week over the duration of Melbourne Now. The EDGE is the designer's studio from Thursday through to Sunday 10am-2pm. Designers will be conducting day-to-day practice or working on special projects.

Participating designers
Philippa Abbott of A&D Projects
Mathew Bird of Studiobird
Vaughan Bolwell director of design at the Bolwell Corporation
Edmund Carter and Simone LeAmon of CarterLeAmon
Michael Trudgeon of Crowd Productions
David Vu and Josh Tatangelo of ENESS
Tom Kovac of Kovac Architecture
Dale Hardiman, Adam Lynch and Andre Andrew Hnatojko of Lab De Stu
Ben Landau
Leah Heiss
Gyungju Chyon and John Sadar of Little Wonder
Jethro Pugh and Sam Nikolsky of Maker Machine
Erika Zorzi and Matteo Sangalli of Mathery Studio
Stephen Mushin
Justin Hutchinson and Shawn Ashkanasy of Urban Commons
Danielle Wilde

Industrial designers Jethro Pugh and Sam Nikolsky founded Maker Machine and run school incursions for kids aged 8-12. These incursions feature 3D scanning and 3D printing demonstrations, hands on workshops demonstrating simple electronics, robotics and more fun activities combining art and science.

Melbourne Now design curator Simone LeAmon with Sam Nikolsky from Maker Machine - Bolwell Edge

Sam Nikolsky at Bolwell Edge design residency.

Melbourne NOW Show & Tell - Melbourne Collectors

Melbourne NOW featured Show & Tell - Melbourne Collectors on Sunday 24th as part of the opening weekend events.

Four Melbourne collectors displayed their collections at the National Gallery of Victoria St Kilda Road Community Hall designed by McBride, Charles, Ryan architects for Melbourne NOW. Victoria Gridley’s amazing collection of over 400 PEZ dispensers, Ian Wong’s collection of orange products designed in Melbourne, David Beaumont’s wacky collection of prosthetic limbs, religious status and mannequins; and Simon Matthews shared part of his Christopher Dresser collection.

Ian Wong's vivid collection of 'orange' products designed and manufactured in Australia featured the work of industrial designers and manufacturers: Richard Carlson, Tony Wolfenden, Barrie Hudson, Lionel Suttie, Peter Bayly, Celina Clarke, Simon Christopher, Edward Kayser, Grant Featherston, Robbie Napper, Willow, Nylex, ISM Objects, Rosebank, Caroma, Bessemer, Capri, Decor, Wiltshire, Planet Lamps, Ventura, and Kambrook.

Melbourne NOW - Show & Tell Melbourne Collectors at the National Gallery of Victoria.

Melbourne NOW - Show & Tell Melbourne Collectors at the National Gallery of Victoria.

David Beaumont shares his collection of prosthetic limbs, religious status and mannequins.

Simon Matthews shares his Christopher Dresser collection.

Victoria Gridley shares her amazing collection of PEZ dispensers

Melbourne NOW - Show & Tell Melbourne Collectors at the National Gallery of Victoria.

Melbourne NOW - Show & Tell Melbourne Collectors at the National Gallery of Victoria.

Collector Ian Wong discusses an early product from Moulded Products. This Melbourne company started in North Melbourne, moved to Richmond and finally located to Mentone and Seaford changing the company name to the iconic brand Nylex. 

Ian Wong setting up his collection of orange Victorian designed products at the waterwall of the National Gallery of Victoria for Melbourne NOW Show & Tell Melbourne Collectors Sunday November 24th 2013.

Melbourne NOW - Show & Tell Melbourne Collectors at the National Gallery of Victoria.

Melbourne NOW - Show & Tell Melbourne Collectors at the National Gallery of Victoria.

Melbourne NOW - Show & Tell Melbourne Collectors at the National Gallery of Victoria.

Ian Wong with some of his collection of products designed in Victoria on display at the National Gallery of Victoria.