Thursday 27 June 2013

Suzhou H20 Exhibition - Wilhelm Wagenfeld Teapot

World Industrial Design Day - Suzhou H20 Exhibition. Suzhou. China.

Suzhou H20 - Alvar Aalto vase

World industrial Design Day - Suzhou H20 Exhibition. Suzhou. China

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Suzhou H2O Exhibition - ZIP Tap

World Industrial Design Day - Suzhou H20 Exhibition. Suzhou. China.

Suzhou H20 Exhibition - VoVo Vase Marc Pascal

World Industrial Design Day - Suzhou H20 Exhibition. Suzhou. China

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Suzhou H20 Exhibition - Mario Bellini Shanghai Vase

World Industrial Design Day - Suzhou H20 Exhibition. Suzhou. China

Suzhou H20 Exhibition - PeCOD Analyser

World Industrial Design Day - Suzhou H20 Exhibition. Suzhou. China.

Suzhou H20 Exhibition - Michael Graves Kettle

Designed in 1985 for Alessi the Michael Graves kettle is an industrial design icon. Cordless grey injection moulded kettles were the future in the early 1980s and then a little birdy had something to say. The little birdy is still singing! 

World Industrial Design Day - Suzhou H20 Exhibition. Suzhou. China

The Design Institute of Australia and the Southeast University-Monash Joint Graduate School (Suzhou) present Suzhou H20 exhibition. Suzhou H20 is an exhibition of industrial design from Australia, China and globally curated with the theme of water. This event is on Saturday June 29th at the Southeast University-Monash University Joint Graduate School (Suzhou) Suzhou, China and celebrates World Industrial Design Day.

Suzhou H20 Exhibition - H2Pods

World Industrial Design Day - Suzhou H20 Exhibition. Suzhou. China.

Suzhou H20 Exhibition - 321 Water Bottle

World Industrial Design Day - Suzhou H20 Exhibition. Suzhou. China

Suzhou H20 Exhibition - Fink and Co Water Jug

World Industrial Design Day - Suzhou H20 Exhibition. Suzhou China

Friday 21 June 2013

Green Design Conference - Yangzhou China

The Green Design - Beautiful China Conference 2013 was held in Yangzhou China.

Green Design - Beautiful China Conference May 2013

Professor Liu Guanzhong - China Australia Industrial Design Forum

It was an honour to meet the father of Industrial Design in China, Professor Liu Guanzhong during the China Australia Industrial Design Forum in Suzhou on June 3rd 2013.

Professor Liu Guanzhong and Ian Wong.

China Australia Industrial Design Forum
L-R: Dr Ethan Wang, Ian Wong, David Flynn, Bernie Walsh, Professor Liu Guanzhong, and Professor Xue Chengqi.

Thursday 6 June 2013

World Industrial Design Day - Suzhou H20 China

The Design Institute of Australia and the Southeast University-Monash Joint Graduate School (Suzhou) present Suzhou H20 exhibition. Suzhou H20 is an exhibition of industrial design from Australia, China and globally curated with the theme of water. This event is on Saturday June 29th at the Southeast University-Monash University Joint Graduate School (Suzhou) Suzhou, China and celebrates World Industrial Design Day.

World Industrial Design Day 2013 - Suzhou China

Wednesday 5 June 2013

1st Suzhou Industrial Design Exhibition - Bernie Walsh

Australian industrial designer Bernie Walsh demonstrated the latest digital industrial design techniques at The 1st Suzhou Industrial Design Exhibition and R&D Public Service Activities event in Suzhou China.

Bernie's live demonstrations were very popular and local media interest was very high. He was interviewed by Suzhou News TV and local newspapers. Suzhou News TV featured footage of Bernie demonstrating Autodesk Sketchbook Pro on a Wacom Cintiq.

Bernie lectures as part of the Southeast University-Monash University Joint Graduate School (Suzhou) Master of Industrial Design program in Suzhou China.

Bernie Walsh demonstrating at The 1st Suzhou Industrial Design Exhibition in Suzhou. Local Newspaper article in the foreground.

Suzhou Newspaper reports on demonstrations by Bernie Walsh in Suzhou China.

Designer Bernie Walsh demonstrating Autodesk Sketchbook Pro with a Samsung tablet and Wacom Cintiq

Bernie's name tag designed for Southeast University-Monash University Joint Graduate School (Suzhou) exhibitors.

Bernie Walsh and Ian Wong  - Program Director - Master of Industrial Design at Southeast University-Monash University Joint Graduate School (Suzhou) China.

Suzhou Industrial Design Association - Mr Zhang Mi

The 1st Suzhou Industrial Design Exhibition and R&D Public Service Activities. June 3-5 2013. Suzhou. China.

Mr Zhang Mi - Secretary General of the Suzhou Industrial Design Association and Ian Wong FDIA a director of the Design Institute of Australia

Tuesday 4 June 2013

David Flynn - Suzhou China

Design Institute of Australia Fellow David Flynn presented a keynote at the China-Australia forum in Suzhou China.

David is demonstrating digital sketching skills using Samsung tablets and Sketchbook Pro on the Design Institute of Australia's exhibition stand at The 1st Suzhou Industrial Design exhibition - June 3-5, Suzhou, China.

Design Institute of Australia Fellow David Flynn on the DIA stand at The 1st Suzhou Industrial Design Exhibition. Suzhou. China.

China-Australia Industrial Design Forum - China

The Design Institute of Australia and MADA Monash University Art Design and Architecture featured in the China-Australia forum held yesterday in Suzhou China.

Suzhou News TV coverage of the China-Australia Industrial Design Forum.

Keynote speakers at the China - Australia Industrial Design Forum include:

Professor Xue Chengqi - Southeast Univerity China

Professor Liu Guanzhong - Tsinghua University China
Dr Ethan Wang - Monash University Australia
Ian Wong FDIA- Monash University - Design Institute of Australia
David Flynn FDIA - Head of Design - Willow Australia.

Suzhou News TV coverage of the China-Australia Industrial Design Forum.

Suzhou News TV coverage of The 1st Suzhou Industrial Design Exhibition. Suzhou. China.

Video of Suzhou News broadcast June 3rd 2013 

The Design Institute of Australia, MADA - Monash University Art Design and Architecture, and the Southeast University-Monash University Joint Graduate School (Suzhou) stand at The 1st Suzhou Industrial Design Exhibition was featured in the 6.30pm Suzhou News broadcast. The stand features 3D printing technology, digital design technology demonstrations and award winning projects from industrial design members of the Design Institute of Australia. 

The 1st Suzhou Industrial Design Exhibition - Monash University

Southeast University-Monash University Joint Graduate School (Suzhou)

3D printing with the MakerBot Replicator 2 featured in The 1st Suzhou Industrial Design Exhibition China.

The 1st Suzhou Industrial Design Exhibition, Suzhou, China

Bernie Walsh demonstrates at The 1st Suzhou Industrial Design Exhibition China

Bernie Walsh demonstrates at The 1st Suzhou Industrial Design Exhibition China

Bernie Walsh and David Flynn demonstrate the latest digital sketching techniques at The 1st Suzhou Industrial Design Exhibition China.

Tsinghua University Professor Liu Guanzhong at The 1st Suzhou Industrial Design Exhibition, Suzhou, China.